Questions to Ask Yourself Before Committing to Transformational Hypnosis
Are you Ready For Hypnosis ?
1. Can I daydream and Focus?
2. Am I ready to know more about hypnosis?
3. Am I committed to consistently drive forward?
4. Am I prepared to fight the emotions that the faulty beliefs, learning or habits throw at am?
5. Is my life organized enough that I can make this work a priority?
6. Have I checked my medication for side affects which might
affect my mood or concentration?
7. Am I ready to experience hypnosis without preconceived ideas?
8. Will I stand firm even if others don’t understand what I am doing?
9. Am I willing to keep in touch regularly to discuss obstacles and successes I am having?
10. Am I ready to make changes that are suggested based on my hypnosis finding?
11. Will I commit to doing the work/activities/reading between sessions?
If you answer NO to several of these questions, you must also ask yourself,
If you answered YES to these questions, ask yourself,