Using Hypnosis to Eliminate Fear
Hypnosis is an efficient, gentle, drug-free way to alleviate fear. Regardless of the severity or duration of your fear, and the physical and emotional reactions it produces, you have the capacity to release your fear and reprogram your subconscious to remain calm and relaxed in the presence of the fear stimulus.
You’re probably familiar with some of the most commonly experienced fear reactions:
• Avoidance of situations or objects that bring about fearful feelings
• Rapid heartbeat / palpitations
• Excessive sweating
• Trembling
• Weakness, dizziness, nausea
• Foggy, confused thinking
Notice how powerful your mind is—the fear actually creates physiological changes in your body—demonstrating the potency of the mind-body connection. Through the use of hypnosis, you will be harnessing the power of your subconscious mind to make your mind work FOR you instead of against you.
Origins of Fear
There are a variety of factors that can be responsible for your fear—and it’s generally not necessary that you know the origin in order to release it. Following are several possible causes:
• Fear can be "contagious." Maybe you grew up with a mom who had a fear of water,
you became attuned to the fear, and developed your own fear of water.
• Fear can be related to an emotional, traumatic incident from your past—one that you can
recall—or even one that you’ve repressed.
• Fear can be the result of severe stress, and can develop into a fear of fear.
• Fear, according to some theories, may be related to an evolutionary imprint on the brain, or to the predominant mood state of the mother during pregnancy.
Hypnosis Programs for Overcoming Fear
With hypnosis, you can reclaim your life, and begin feeling better about yourself. Many motivated clients experience dramatic changes with one session. (Those clients who have severe fears or multiple fears may require additional sessions) You will become a "partner" in the process of fear release and relaxation. That means taking time each day to to listen to a reinforcement CD. and practice positive inner language skills.
Mind Power to Success for Overcoming Fears & Phobias

You’re not alone if you have a fear that’s limiting your life. Millions of people are plagued with fears of all sorts—fear of flying, enclosed spaces, driving on busy roads, medical and dental procedures, surgery, interviewing, spiders, thunderstorms, meeting new people, rejection—and more. Fortunately, you don’t have to continue limiting your life—you can "unlearn" and release your fear through the use of hypnosis.
Fear Hypnosis Sessions
Include but not limited to:
Fear of Abandonment
Fear of Being Alone
Fear of Cats/Dogs/Animals
Fear of Blood
Fear of Cancer
Fear of Change
Fear of Clowns
Fear of Commitment
Fear of Crowds
Fear of the Dark
Fear of Death
Fear of Dental Treatment
Fear of Doctors
Fear of Driving
Fear of Elevators
Fear of Failure
Fear of Fainting
Fear of Falling
Fear of Flying
Fear of Germs
Fear of Going Places
Fear of Heights
Fear of Hospitals
Fear of Injections
Fear of Insects
Fear of Loud Noises
Fear of Meeting People
Fear of Monsters
Fear of Needles
Fear of Old Age
Fear of Public Restrooms
Fear of Public Speaking
Fear of Rejection
Fear of Success
Fear of Thunder Storms
Fear of Travel
Fear of the Unknown
Fear of Water
Fear of Close Spaces
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